On January 11, representatives of the Verona University, Italy, including Rector Nicola Sartor and Director of Cardiovascular Surgery Unit at the University Hospital Prof. Guiseppe Faggian visited the Almazov Centre. The cooperation between the Centre and the Verona University Medical School and Hospital has been successfully developing for the latest two years. During the meeting, the results of the joint activities were summarized and new possible projects discussed (e.g. participation of the Almazov Centre in the multi-centre registry and joint publications). Moreover, participation of Rector Sartor allowed widening the range of the discussed areas of collaboration and including such possible projects as academic exchange, joint participation in ERASMUS and other international educational projects and joint educational curricula. In addition, possible cooperation in the field of medical management and finance with participation of the experts from the Chair of IT in Economics and Management of the Peter the First Polytechnic University — a partner of the Almazov Centre in the Research and Educational Cluster «Translational Medicine» — were also negotiated.