On May 19, for the first time in the conditions of an infectious background, the doctors of Almazov Centre implanted a permanent dual chamber pacemaker in a patient with signs of community-acquired pneumonia against the background of coronavirus infection.
The patient was sent to Almazov Centre from another hospital to receive specialized medical care for arrhythmia and conduction disturbances. The absolute indication for pacemaker implantation was the recurrent atrioventricular block of the second and third degree. Cardiac surgeons of Almazov Centre successfully implanted a modern permanent artificial pacemaker under “red zone” conditions.
Currently, the patient’s condition is stable and he receives the necessary therapy.
Thanks to proper organization of work in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic andadequate training of Almazov Centre specialists, patients have the opportunity to receive the necessary and timely high-tech care.