Mar 012022


The Boiling Point Coworking Space at Almazov Centre has become a launching pad for breakthrough innovative solutions in cardiovascular surgery. On February 24, Dr. Mikhail Chernyavsky, Chief of the Research Department of Vascular and Interventional Surgery, started a series of public lectures on topical issues of vascular and endovascular surgery. The newly launched scientific platform serves as an innovative pivot in various biomedical fields and for the Vascular Surgery Clinic and Research Department, the Boiling Point has become a logical follow-up to an active work with novel ideas.

“We plan to develop research and educational projects in order to obtain new effective options for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, and we hope that the Boiling Point at Almazov Centre will serve as a starting point on the path to innovation,” says Mikhail Chernyavsky.

The first introductory lecture by Dr. Chernyavsky was devoted to a paradigm shift in the treatment of vascular patients. Global trends today are geared towards the development of minimally invasive approaches based on the use of high-tech treatment methods. The major focus of the Research Department of Vascular and Interventional Surgery is on the introduction and improvement of hybrid and endovascular technologies to help patients with aortic and arterial diseases in Russia, as well as the experimental and clinical development of new medical devices for the treatment of vascular diseases used in the world's top clinics.

In addition, the World-Class Research Centre for Personalized Medicine established at Almazov Centre is studying molecular genetic predictors of the early development and progression of peripheral artery disease and developing methods for predicting the surgical outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease using artificial intelligence.

“Today we have this vibrant new space for like-minded researchers to work together, launch new projects, ramp up initiatives and build teams. We hope that this cycle of lectures will help engage as many specialists as possible, including students, residents and schoolchildren to create innovative projects and products that change the lives of Russians,” emphasized Dr. Chernyavsky.




Уведомляем вас, что в соответствии с Федеральным законом от 06.03.2006 № 35-ФЗ «О противодействии терроризму» в Центре Алмазова введен комплекс дополнительных мер по безопасности, направленный на предотвращение террористических актов. В целях обеспечения безопасности граждан и целостности объектов инфраструктуры при посещении Центра Алмазова проводится дополнительный личный осмотр, осмотр вещей и автотранспорта. Отказ от соблюдения мер по безопасности может послужить причиной недопуска на территорию Центра Алмазова. Просим с пониманием отнестись к введенным мерам по безопасности.

С уважением, Администрация Центра Алмазова